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Just Don't Do It: What NOT to do as a guest [or non-guest] of a wedding!

Many of you may not know this, but along with bad grammar, I do have another category that encompasses a large number of pet peeves for me (that made sense in my head). Weddings ! Below follows the list of things that you as a guest- or non-guest of a wedding should not do! Be careful... chances are I will step on some toes with this note!... and yes you should be embarrassed. First and foremost: Know that only those listed on the invitation that you receive are invited .  There is a lot of work that goes into addressing [proper] wedding invitations. Most are hand-written either by the bride/groom, the bride's friend(s), or a really expensive calligrapher. The names that they put on the envelope were very intentional. Simply put, if the invitation says Miss Juanita Hancock, then only Juanita should show up. If it says Miss Juanita Hancock and guest then fine, bring a date, otherwise fly solo. Just know that by you being selfish and deciding to bring someone who was not invited wi...
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Only the Bare Necessities

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Being Independent Does Not Mean that We Don't Still Need Our Men

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And there shall be a great cry unlike one that's ever been heard before...

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On Another Note: I am a Dude

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My Reassurance and Disturbance

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