I am still alive, but I still won't have the internet high speed cable at home until Friday! Arrugh. Quick Updates: The "26 Things I hated about him" guy has resurfaced much to my dismay. "The New Guy" is really busy and I haven't talked to him in like three weeks and I think I really kinda miss him. Don't tell him I said that though; I can't have him getting a big head about himself Target is my new favorite grocery store My cousin - new mommy- is not getting any sleep. Daycare: $500 a month (thank God for the T-shapped cervix protector! I think that is all. Until I get another spare chance at work.... Oh yeah Zilla and I are going to write a book.
Each one of those songs is important to me: Truth Is is for the one I may never get over; Ordinary People, the daily reminder that this is all a process and that the dichotomy of life is infinite: you just never know; Can't Wait the acknowledgement that when we want something, it's an immedate desire that we oft feel must be satiated immediately.