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Showing posts from August, 2005

Compromise and Commitment

When I think of marriage I think of the two Cs: Compromise and Commitment. It's been my experience that so many people feared commitment, and as always, myself being the iconoclast that I am, I have no fear of commitment. My fear is of compromise. In a previous post, I refered to marriage as "setting yourself up to compromise for the rest of your life." Now, I do not necessarily think fear is the right way to describe my feelings toward compromise; I think lack of desire would be more accurate. I think my ability to be committed to something is nothing short of amazing: I had a best friend who lied to me, pathologically telling different lies, and I stayed because I felt she needed a friend; I was committed to our friendship. There was this guy in whom I found significant interest, and if I am being 110% brutally honest with myself, I would acknowledge that he was never really interested in me, and thusly nothing would ever really progress for us at all. However, ...

I'll ____ Before I'm 50

After readin'g Kim's and Mike's I decided I'd make a To-Do list of my own. Let's see how much I do before 50. Sing a whole song on key without cracking. Go to the first Superbowl in which the Houston Texans participate! Name all 50 states without looking at a book or a map. Finish my website (it's been under construction for a year) Finish my undergrad degree Pay off my student loan Pay off the University of Houston Pay off my credit card Go to Hawaii Go to France Get a passport Buy a hybrid (the Toyota Priapus would be nice) Buy a garden home Buy rental properties Have an office job Take the stage again Buy a motorcycle Speak French fluently Speak Spanish fluently Learn how to break up with someone (nicely) Break up with someone one Get married Have kids Get Divorced In that order Make old-fashioned ice cream [in the wooden bucket] Stop reading people's away messages as a past time Blog at least once a week Write a movie, a book, or a play...

And so she shopped...and a couple Happy Birthdays

First of all, August is a month of many birthdays for those whom receive mine own affections. I take birthdays very seriously, especially mine. I make it a point to be the first person to say happy birthday, so I stay awake until 11:59 the night before and start dialing numbers so when the clock strikes 12 MY voice is the one they hear! Since I was a slacker today and yesterday, really I just couldn't force myself to care too much this year, I decided I didn't have to be the first... I would just blog a birthday note thusly imortalizing it. So here we go: To the sexiest (because he's one of the smartest) double-digit Madison Marlin to ever grace the streets of Hiram Clarke... Gordon Lemond #44 c/o '95 August 16. We do not know how old he really is.... and neither does he! Another Madison Marlin whoes name I'm no longer allowed to say, and in whoes life I'm no longer allowed (see Untitled ) The Name I'm Not Allowed to Say c/o '01 August 17th...

Interrogation or Conversation

I have had numerous people become annoyed with me because I don't ask them questions about them. Because I never ask questions about them, they assume I don't care about getting to know them, and I am only self absorbed, and into myself. Oye vey. They are absolutely correct; there are many questions I really just couldn't careless about asking. I couldn't care less about what type of music you listen like. Why do people even ask this question anyway? What? Am I supposed to go out and buy you random Hip Hop CD's because you tell me you like Hip Hip bountee bountee music? I'm not going to ask you if you like to dance. I am especially not going to ask you if you are a girl, because I have no plans on dancing with you in the first place. I'm not going to ask you want you like to do on weekends and in your spare time. I just think "what do you like to do in your spare time?" is a stupid question. I'm not going to ask your favorite color...


Yesterday marked the beginning of a NEW TEXANS FOOTBALL SEASON I've been waiting on this day for months: ever since missing the Longhorns in the Rose Bowl on January 1st of this year and the last Texans game that I attended when they beat the Titans. The Texans started their season yesterday [with a loss]. Granted, it was only a preseason game, and David Carr wasn't pitching... I mean quarterbacking, so there is still hope. Here are the things I'm hoping for this season: Fewer Carr sacks [last year there were like 46] More wins [but what fan doesn't hope for more wins?] Attendance to more games [I think I'll go ahead and section off a portion of my budget to include purchasing season tickets for next year's games] until then, I'll just have to pay for individual games, but I'll have to make more than just the one I made last year To find my Texans towel so I can waive it at the games MOST IMPORTANTLY! For David Carr to let his hair GROW A...

Fondest Memories...No Regrets... and Thankful Cognitions

Today I watched a family burry its 14-year-old daughter. How hard must that be? I could not even begin to miagine. However, and I know people grieve differntly, this family was like a rock. A great thing is watching a family who's man is the head of his household, and is a solider for Christ. I can't imagine what it must be like to burry a child, but I can imagine that having a faith strong enough to which one can cling must be imeprative. In the father's expressions he said he importuned God to "help him stand like a pine tree fore it may waiver but it will not break." Since receiving the news about one of my former students [who became a ] family friend, I was fairly unemotional. I heard about her death, but I hadn't realized it until I drove up to the church last night and saw the herse parked in the lot. At that moment, I felt my heart flutter saying "Krys, it's really real." I stood outside fo the church for a a little while trying to...

In Loving Memory of Great Kid

"And I loved deeper, and I spoke sweeter, and I gave forgiveness I've been denying. Someday I hope you get the chance, to live like you were dying." Maybe there is irony in the fact that recently I posted Live Like You Were Dying . Today an amazing kid died. She is a child with whom I became aquainted though my older sister, and I taught her occasionally when I would subsitute at her school. When I heard the news that she had died as a result of a car accident, my first thought [after realizing that it was for real] was what a great kid, what a great life. She was maybe 14 yeas-old, but had been such a bright light to many who knew her. She'd become a bright light to those who didn't really know her at all. Her personality, her attidude, her humor captured you. She was able to make put a genuine smile on the faces of all who attended my sister's wedding with her tribute to my sister and brother in law at their reception. Everyone at some point said, who's ...

En Francais Ce Soire

Alors, j'etait sur caramail aujourd'hui, et j'ai decide blogger en francais ce soire. J'ai trouver que j'adore chattant sur caramail. Parceque j'habite en Texas, et rien personne d'ici parle francais, j'ai besoin de trouver des moyen practiquer mon francais. Avec chattant en francais, j'ai commence regarder mes DVD en francais alors je peux le compredre quand je l'entends. Je lire les livres en francais aussi, alors je peux devenir meillure avec le langue. Quand j'avais 12 ans, j'ai pense' que j'ai vu devenir un chef. Alors quand il etait le temps choissir mon deuxieme langue a l'ecole, j'ai choissi francais. La bas, il y a un ecole de culinaire qui s'appelle Courd En Bleu qui est le meiux ecole pour fair de cooking. Quand je pris les classes au lycee j'ai decide que je n'ai pas voulu devenir chef, mais jai continue suivre les classes francais. Mes notes dans cet classes etaient terrible parceque je le pa...

5 Qs 4 U-- A Blog Meme

As I have received interview questions from two different peope I figured I would just combine the two into one post. The pastel green being from anglogerman and the sky blue from Gwynne ; enjoy! While blog surfing today, in order to increas my blog traffic, and in search of something new and interesting I found something! Thanks to Gwynne I have discovered the blog meme. 1. What purpose do you think God has for you on earth? I really wish I knew, because I would work arduously at fullfilling it; however, as I do not know, I will take it all one step at a time until my purpose is revealed. 2. What do you love most about yourself and why? The traits I love most about myself are my independence [both financially and emotionally]; If we are talking about physical traits that I love the most about myself, they would have to be my legs and my voice [although that is not so physical]. 3. What issue - social, political or anything else - is most likely to make you get up on your soa...

The Time Is Right

When the time is right, you'll know. I have no idea what I'm saying here. I just thought it would sound good to blog about the right time for different things. Let's see, the right time is: 5:00 p.m. - to leave work Age 26 - to get married Age 28 - to have a first child Age 24 - to buy a house when you open your eyes in the morning - to thank God for a new day. never -to whine or complain. when your eyes start to feel heavy - to go to sleep. Saturday night - to go to church to avoid the Sunday morning hoard. Everymorning - to vacuum your house, air your sheets and read the paper. every three days - to shampoo your hair [yes even if you are black]. every other day- to wash your sheets as soon as you think it you think it - to tell someone you love him/her. every three hours - to eat and regulate your metabolism. right now - to stop this rediculous list that has no true substance. five minutes from now- to go to sleep.