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Showing posts from October, 2005

6 Years Since TDT

Those of you who are my loyal readers, and those of you who are my devoute friends you knew I couldn't let this day go by without noting it. It is quite frankly the closest I'll ever come to having a six year anniversary [since I'm never getting married and all]. This was the day, it all started so long ago. The day that would cuz heartache for at least the next six years. I feel like a sick effin puppy. Maybe one day in the future, when I feel like I can detach my emotions from the story, I'll actually sit down in the style of Kim , and tell you the story from beginning to lingering end.

My Brother-In-Law Is On CRACK!

This excerpt is the conversation between my brother-in-law and his boss.... I knew he was a crackhead! mike: "what are you doing tomorrow night" dave: "tuesday... let me check... nothing, what scary chore do you have for me?" mike: "how about going to the world series " dave: "woa. yes! wow. thank you." dave: "can you get my wife in there?" mike: "let me check, I'm about to pick up the tickets now. I''ve given the others away though" calls him back mike: "I have six tickets and have commited the five, unfortunately I can't get Aisha in" dave: "I know this will sound like I'm on drugs, but I'll be either be glued to the TV with my wife or sitting in the stands with her." mike: "I totally understand. I hope your wife knows the amazing man she has." :) Yes, I think she does. My sister's response to her husband telling her this story... You ARE on drugs. GO TO THE GAME...

Black Hair.... DeBraiding and All That Jazz

Some people say that I have been assimilated into white culture because of the many ethnic things that I do not do. My speech is more proper than most black twenty-somethings, and I listen to country music [Yes I do thank you! Tim McGraw is the man!]. I do not dispute these facts, but I must say that I do not intentionally try to avoid black heritage, as much as I shy from ghettoisms that seem to infultrate our society, and carry myself in such a way that the stereotypes seem out of place for me. Why I felt that the previous paragraph was a necessary preface to this post, I am not sure. However, I must say, that no matter how assimilated one seems to think I have become to White America, there are still somethings that I cannot avoid [not like I try to avoid sed others]. I still have BLACK HAIR. A little history lesson, everyone in my family line for at least the past two generations [inclusive of my grandparents and my parents] have been black; when I say family line I am referr...

Revisiting the Readers' Favs

In the style of Areyl, I decided I would list for you my posts which seem to have been the post popular among the readers of TIOPCW.... so here you go! Bringing up the rear in 4th place, I have 3 post which each received 6 comments: In Loving Memory of a Great Kid Before I'm 50 I'll ____________ and my favorite of the bunch... God, so you wanted me to test out Womanhood... here are the defects In 3rd place with a whopping 7 comments we have: No Love Live = Death? No Way In 2nd place, and probably my all time favorite: Juniors and "The Seconds" NOT IN MY HOUSE! And in 1st place, and I should almost feel bad for highlighting this one, but who cares! Is probably the most emotional one for me to date... although if you read the comments you'll get to see what makes an already emotional piece just flat out humiliating.... but damn if it wasn't some of my best writing ever thank you for that... Number One All Time Favorite Among My Readers: UNTITLED


...that it has been almost an entire month since I have written anything worth reading. It's not that I don't have anything to write. It's just that I've have too much to write; I can't even gather all of my thoughts. Topics that randomly float through my head: Evacuating Houston...Worse than Hell Would I ever Evac again Puking more than any one human should in her lifetime twice Running from the Runs How a 6 hour ride becomes a 15 hour sojourn filled with vomit and stomach frills Why I love the government We're in the Money Now Writing incoherent emails, not because you're drunk, but because you're sleepy Being a volleyball Sister-mom because the kid's parents are deployed Being the only female in an office of 20 guys My Godson Shat In Your Hands! Don't click the "how do i look" IM link in AOL or your are asking for it!! Picking the perfect Names for your Breasts I've had tons to say, and...


This is another entry that must be typed with my eyes closed, and my heart wide open. I have a hard time always speaking the truth when I feel myself in a conscious state of mind, but with my eyes closed, I can tell my fingers that whatever they produce is nothing more than a dream. I have reasoned myself out of marriage, and love, and children on occasion. I have discovered the best possible reasons to go without all three. They all make perfect sense. They truely do, but for some reason my heart is not following suit. While my heart does not tug at the idea of marriage, it will not allow me to escape love. The fact that I know that love is more hurtful to me, because of whom I love, and that I can't make myself stop, makes me feel inadequate . I can't control my thoughts, the things that tug at that emotional side of me that I still arduously try to surpress, I can't control the repetition of one name and its daily exsistence in my life, and that makes me feel inadequate ...