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Showing posts from December, 2005

My Favorite Holiday

Ahh the time has come for a change in the year. I don't know why but New Year's brings such a calm peace to me it's really quite surreal... New Year's is a chance for me to look back and make realizations about what this past year has brought me: I realized that this year my salary is about $9000 more than it was just two years ago. This year I went from an intern, to an assistant, to an administrator/ facilitator. I STARTED THIS BLOG! How surreal is it that looking back, I realize that I saw him only once this year.... just once . And I'm okay with that. I found happiness this year. I found happiness with myself, and my happiness resides in my hands, not the hands of my friends, not of my family, and not of a significant other. I have gone a whole year without seeing or speaking to Justin. My friend Desiree has moved to DC. I discovered 2005 brought me a new godson. I actually active in a church again -- I don't just go anymore. I've been home...

Tangible Love

taken for granted until taken away seperated by distance land, water, wind, and trees never appreciated until love less tangible pains the heart spirit, soul, being, and tears finally understood when the longing to touch and to be touched goes unfulfilled while the tangible love of the past scoffs at the pain sadness, desire, frustration, and regret of your future Krystal Danielle Carter

Healing or Hurting

I wrote this one day about five years ago, and submitted it to Apparently, it appears in one of their compilation books... Today as I was leaving school I saw a bird Sitting on a broom eyes closed and wings gently tucked It had been hit by something unexpected It bleed a lot When I saw it it was in a process of either healing or dying And when I saw it I thought "how awesome is this?" When you get hit you need a time to heal, when you get hit you need a time to die, a concept so simple that even the bird comprehends so why don't we?

If You Can't Feed'em Don't Effin Breed 'Em -- 17 Kids is just TOO DAMN MANY

An article that I just read " Family Welcomes Baby No. 17 ", has with just cause placed me high upon my soapbox today. This article was a lifestyles piece on the Largest Family in America. Basically two imigrants, since moving to America seven years ago with their eleven children, still do not speak English [the parents nor the kids]. Since they have been here, they have had six more kids. This, for those of you who aren't too quick with the math, means that they have SEVENTEEN biological kids. Now as disgusted as it makes me to imagine spending over 136 months or 11.33 years of my life pregnant, some women may find it to be a wonderful gift from God. Yes, it is amazing that one woman could carry 17 kids through 17 different pregnancies-- I'd never do it, but I shall not discredit it's wonderous nature. So all of these kids could be a beautiful thing. Those of you who know me, know exactly what I am about to say next. There are TWO MAJOR problems with this story....

Live Anywhere

So if you could live anywhere where would it be? That's all I've got for you today.... I'm looking for geographic answer... My answer ... I'd visit all over, but at the end of the day, I'd end up here in good ole Houston, Tx. It's a place where I can raise my kids [that I never plan on having], and teach them good ole' Texas conservative values! --G, I know you'll love that, more people on this earth who think like me!

And his name shall be called Andrew

I can't figure out why for the life of me, when my life is going so well, a dude decides to pop up and try to eff it up. But today is a new day. A day when I will not let anyone "eff up my high." So I met this dude; his name is Andrew. His name alone was almost enough for me to cancel him out of a potential dating pool [well that and the fact that I do try very hard to keep my dating pool very empty]. Had my sister not been with me in the Nextel store, I would not even known he was "flirting" with me. I've always been so oblivious. Well, he'd given me his card and kept repeating that his mobile number was on there. I just thought "Okay." Apparently that was some hint that he wanted me to call him. Well I don't call random dudes, especially random dudes named Andrew [and if any of you close to me think about that for a minute or two you totally understand why]. Like I said, I don't call random dudes, but I am not above text messaging an...