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Showing posts from February, 2006

Miss Human Resources Director: Oh Ye of Little Faith

This new human resources director at my job [she started here only like two months ago, but approached me as if I were a normal incompetent 23 year-old] with the I don't think you should take so many hours in school and work fulltime. Are you sure you will be able to handle school at work. I informed her that while working fulltime in San Antonio, and maintaing an excellent job-performance record-- I carried 15 hours at Trinity University, including classes like Cal II and Physics for Engineers. My grandmother died right before finals so I missed the last week of classes and I still managed to maintain a GPA of 3.5. Even after I informed her of that she still finds the need to ask me about school [not in a sincerely caring manner-- in a I'm waiting for you to realize you're not good enough to do both well manner]. I hate when she asks. So after working a 40 hour week, I came to my office on both Saturday and Sunday to knock down a list of 18 things "to-do" that...

VD -- Yes it really is a DISEASE

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BROTHER IN LAW AND MY FAVORITE RED-HEADED FRIEND FROM KHS! This post serves two purposes for me. The first is that it makes me realize that I have been doing this "blog" thing for over a year. I remember this because this time last year, I was writing a post[ V.D. -- "Fakey" Holiday ]somewhat similar to the one I am about to write right now. So here it is... VD. I'm not going to write as much as I did last year, because that pretty much sums it up. Many of you, especially those close to me, know how much I loathe the fakey holiday that most people refer to as Valentine's Day. Many have asked me why I hate this day, and I have sincerely been unable to put my finger on the exact reason, or the exact year that I decided that this day was worth nothing more than morning upchuck that I feel coming on whenever I roll over to find the date on my palm/alarm clock to read 02.14.?? I went to Wal-Mart the other day (one of my unhappy places ...