My dear fans, It's been over four months since my last post. How absolutely pathetic! I guess I haven't had too much to say recently. My two favorite Liberals have moved away, so my heated debates have been reduced to a minimal. Mr. Untitled and I have said probably only 200 words to each other in the last four months: so thus ends that story. I've realized that one relationship [that would never fully exist] ultimately kept me from one that could have actually been really healthy for me: challenging, mutual, and full of heat! "what you want might make you cry; what you need may pass you by. And what you need ironically, will turn out what you want to be if you just let it." My dear friend Sabba is now engaged to a great gal. My cuzibludin and her fiance move into their brand new house this weekend. I've reconnect with a former flame... err flicker. My parents bought a new house. Many of my friends would be happy to say that I am not much less of a work...
Each one of those songs is important to me: Truth Is is for the one I may never get over; Ordinary People, the daily reminder that this is all a process and that the dichotomy of life is infinite: you just never know; Can't Wait the acknowledgement that when we want something, it's an immedate desire that we oft feel must be satiated immediately.