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Showing posts from 2008

A Mexican Christmas for the Carter Girls

Righ t now I am sitting on the private patio of my room at an exclusive resort in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.  I am listening to the waves of the beach as they roll in in consistent seven second increments. When I look up, though it is nearly seven o’clock in the morning I can still see the stars peering through the crack of the tall palm trees overhead.  I wonder if one of those stars is my father, and that is his way of being with us this Christmas Day. Today is Christmas: the first one without my daddy here.  This is largely the reason (if not solely) the reason for this winter vacation to Mexico.  None of us really wanted to spend our holidays at home without daddy; it’s hard to feel at home anywhere knowing that daddy is gone. We arrived in PV yesterday on a Continental Express Jet around eleven in the morning.  Customs were a breeze as there were no lines.  I’m concerned it won’t always be that way.  This is my first trip out of the country --at twenty-five (just short of twenty...

How my last 13 Months have been Blessed

Two nights ago I had a conversation with a friend whom I met as a result of being a very active blogger about three years ago. We hadn't spoken -- as in over the telephone-- in probably somewhere close to a year. Over the course of our conversation he asked if I still blogged, and my answer was no. He asked why, and honestly, I don't have a good reason. If anything, I have more reason to blog now than before. I can say that I am going to keep up with the blog again, but I may not... if you'd like to catch up! In the last 13 months I have... Written and Directed a full length musical: On April 1st of 2007, I sat down in my bed with my laptop on my lap and began to pen The KidsLife Musical. This hour and a half long musical, featured, 5 original song (one of those was penned by me), the others were written by A. Beard and the ever talented M. Woelfel. The musical opened to a full house of over 1000 people. All five shows on its debut weekend met full houses with atte...


It's been a while... haven't really had anything to say.... As long as I can remember I can never remember feeling unwanted-- not as a friend at least. When you have the physical quirks that I have, you become used to not being the girl who always gets the guy-- the girl who's always wanted in a relationship sense, but until not I'd never felt unwanted as a friend. I turn 25 years old in four days. I still have numerous friends that I acquired in elementary school, and still more from middle school [as I went to high school with the same group]. In my 25 years I cannot recall loosing someone whom I considered to be a friend. That's a lie. I'd lost one because... that's a key word... because... that means that there was a reason. I lost my best friend of about 11 years because she randomly became a pathological liar. Because is a term that introduces a reason ... or an excuse... either way I'm okay with certain things as long as there is a because. ...