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Showing posts from January, 2006

Staying Hopeful Til the Very End

Comment recently made to me: You know Kubiak is not going to take Young.. he has already talked a lot about how great of a quarterback Carr is and I am sure he is coming here t prove that… My response: I know. It makes me sad, but I'm still gonna hope [all the way til the end of April] that they watch just a few more tapes and by a supreme act of God take Young.
Hometown Paying Hommage I could not even begin to create an accurate title for this piece.... The only thing more important than my birthday this past weekend, was my all-time favorite football player [still an understatement] and his decision to go pro. Vince Young is the truth. I know everyone is on the VY hype right now, but the fact that he is going all the way, at a high seat makes me feel so smart. I have been a fan of VY [as has most of Houston] since around 1998 or 1999-- 6 years ago. Yes, I know that he has only been at UT since 2002-2003, but I was a fan of VY -- the Madison Marlin. I was a fan when the "InVINCEable" and the "We Are ConVinced" slogans were initially coined. I often say that my first real [never-ending crush] was so that I could discover Vince[nt]. This dude whom I began liking played defense for Madison and I started going to the games to support him and my former best friend who was a Marlins Cheerleader. There at those games [before I kn...

An article on the Texans page worth reading...

Voice of the Fan Ever since I checked my six voicemessages and was Nextel two-wayed out of my sleep yesterday day by my dearest friend Joey... I have been glued to all Draft prediction material.... if there's draft '06 on the back of gargabe cans I've read it. I guess I've been glued to all things VY since last Wednesay morning when I sent all of my friends text-messages [at 5:36 a.m.] wishing them a Happy UT Championship Day! [yes Wednesday morning before VY and the Longhorns clinched the win]. My question is ... Why is it even a question? Why salvage a mediocre/good QB who really hasn't prooven himself in the past 4 years, when you are getting a new coach, and you can basically rebuild the franchise with a player who is re-ignite the morale of the Houston Texans fanbase and just possibly... quite possibly continue to have a career in football that never ceases to amaze his fans and make believers out of people who never really paid him any attention. Running ba...


This is the day for which we have all been waiting. UT CHAMPIONSHIP FOOTBALL DAY!!! I have hardly been able to think of anything else. I am sure that most of my friends are probably quite miffed at me, seeing as how the first thing I did when I woke up this morning was to send all of the a "Happy Rose Bowl Day" text message; I woke up at 5:30 a.m. As for my stupidity, I can't believe that I scheduled a youth department drama team leaders meeting for today. In my defense, I scheduled it over a month ago, and I had a feeling it was on a major day, but couldn't quite manage to put my finger on what was so significant about the day. Well, good thing the meeting starts at 6:15 because it will DEFINATELY be a 30 minute meeting, so I can get out of there by 6:45. I know I shouldn't rush the Lord, but today I think even He would understand. Sooo... where will YOU be watching the game tonight.... and for you doubters... UT is going to win this game!

Why I'll Never Edit for My Stupid Friends Again

Over the past couple of years, my friends would email me their papers for school and ask me to edit them. Initially, for my friends whom I knew were terrible writers, I would just make the corrections for them and send them back the final version. At some point, I guess when I stopped taking classes myself, I realized that they were getting As on C papers which I would essentially revise/ rewrite for them. They were getting As on papers which would lead to them gettign better grades, and in the long run college degrees, while I am sitting here in my office [even though I have a very good job] but without that validting piece of paper that would tell corporate America that they are "more qualified than I." It struck me that as long as I don't have a degree, if one of my friends [for whom I have edited papers] and I came up against the same job it's quite possible that s/he would get the job simple because of that piece of paper that I inadvertantly helped him/her att...