Hometown Paying Hommage

I could not even begin to create an accurate title for this piece....
The only thing more important than my birthday this past weekend, was my all-time favorite football player [still an understatement] and his decision to go pro.
Vince Young is the truth.
I know everyone is on the VY hype right now, but the fact that he is going all the way, at a high seat makes me feel so smart. I have been a fan of VY [as has most of Houston] since around 1998 or 1999-- 6 years ago. Yes, I know that he has only been at UT since 2002-2003, but I was a fan of VY -- the Madison Marlin. I was a fan when the "InVINCEable" and the "We Are ConVinced" slogans were initially coined. I often say that my first real [never-ending crush] was so that I could discover Vince[nt]. This dude whom I began liking played defense for Madison and I started going to the games to support him and my former best friend who was a Marlins Cheerleader.
There at those games [before I knew anything about football except that a touchdown resulted in 6 points] I not only fell in love with the game but realized that Vincent Young was a name that we all would hear for a very long time after. Even in high school he seemed to be a miracle worker. People are in awe now of how even in a 4th quarter he manges to bring his team up from behind... thats something that has been going on since high school. Whenever we were in down by a bit, and would start to get scared that this might be the game we loose... Vincent would pull out all the stops, and at the end there was always a victory.
Just as Texas has had OU... in the years before Texas there was Madison and Katy. Katy was the one win that always seemed to eluded the Marlin grasp, but during Vincent's senior year the Marlins were finally able to defeat its longtime nemesis. I can vividly sitting behind Vincent's mom on the 50 yard line, with his sister right next to their mom. His mom yelled throughout the entire game "Yeah ya'll's been cheatin'! You been cheatin' for five years!" But that year we'd [although I didn't attend Madison, I take my place a the biggest Madison groupie ever] won.
Here's the deal.... Houston, Texans want Vince. Hell Texans want Vince. If the Houston Texans football franchise decide that they do not want Vince they they are idiots and ought to change their name.
After a year of bad passes, terrible offensive coverage, and only two wins.... Houston Texans pride is hurt, and city morale for the team is down. The only way out morale could be lower is if we win 0 games next year. I tell you what, let's see how many seasons tickets the Texans will sell if they choose to pass on Vince Young for Reggie Bush. We need a new reason to buy tickets, and Vince will give us that reason.
Choosiing Vince Young in this year's NFL draft will cause all the old cats from Hiram Clarke to donate pints of blood so that they can buy tickets to see him play in Reliant. I, personally, hadn't seen Vince play in person since the Austin Westlake game of 2001 in the Astrodome, and when the chance to see him play again in Reliant came, there was no way I was passing up on that opportunity. I didn't care how much the tickets cost, or how much spam I'd have to eat to make up for splurging on Club seats to watch my hometown hero play.