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...that it has been almost an entire month since I have written anything worth reading. It's not that I don't have anything to write. It's just that I've have too much to write; I can't even gather all of my thoughts.

Topics that randomly float through my head:
  1. Evacuating Houston...Worse than Hell
  2. Would I ever Evac again
  3. Puking more than any one human should in her lifetime twice
  4. Running from the Runs
  5. How a 6 hour ride becomes a 15 hour sojourn filled with vomit and stomach frills
  6. Why I love the government
  7. We're in the Money Now
  8. Writing incoherent emails, not because you're drunk, but because you're sleepy
  9. Being a volleyball Sister-mom because the kid's parents are deployed
  10. Being the only female in an office of 20 guys
  11. My Godson Shat In Your Hands!
  12. Don't click the "how do i look" IM link in AOL or your are asking for it!!
  13. Picking the perfect Names for your Breasts
I've had tons to say, and even as I make this list, I'm sure I'm leaving out some stuff. I'll get back in the game; I promise.



ahleks said…
A lot of vomiting and crapping, eh? What a life!
Kim said…
I know you were just waiting for me to catch up and now I am. Let the blogging begin.